DATE: 6/2022
Information design/Illustration/Publication design/Graphic design
Software:Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Illustrator/Adobe Indesign
Skill: Drawing


Chinese characters about cooking with components of ‘fire’ is an illustration design. The purpose is to analyze, interpret, and spread traditional Chinese cooking techniques. I chose the the sixteen techniques of the fire-side components are the focus of the design. "Qiang、Chao、Bian、Bao、Zha、Liu、Hui、Shao、Men、 Wei、dun、Kao、Hong、Lao、Xun、Ju"Theme of the design is expressed by graphic design, and pro- foundness is expressed by a concise style.

Qiang: ingredients are put into boiling water very shortly and then taken out and mix

Inspired by chopsticks, spices, saucer, cucumber
Chao: The ingredients are stirred, fried and turned in a wok

Inspired by Fried rice
Zha: The ingredients were fried in boiling oil

Inspired by Chinese fried snack, and firewor
Liu: just like ‘Chao’

Inspired by starch water
, but the ingredients mix with starch water
Dun: The ingredients put in a bowl and heat the bowl in water

Inspired by put in a bowl and heat the bowl in water
Shao: the ingredients are fried first, and then we chao or stew it

Inspired by spices
Kao: basically grill

Inspired by barbecue
the ingredients close to the fire to cook or dry
Hong: Basically roast and make cook ingredients hot and dry

Inspired by baked sweet potato
bake, use fire or air to
Lao: Put the bread on a hot plate

Inspired by Chinese bread, like pita or naan

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